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Towards a  Global Teaching and Learning is my self-report about my teaching experiences in the 7th batch of the SEAMEO  SEA Teacher Project held in Jambi City, Indonesia.


The Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia is a project of the Southeast Asian Minister of Education Organization (SEAMEO) which provide opportunities for pre-service student teachers in Southeast Asia to experience teaching in schools of other Southeast Asian countries. 


For more information about SEAMEO and the SEA Teacher Project, you may visit this link:


This is a report of my personal experiences during my practice teaching in Jambi, Indonesia. It was made possible with the inspirations coming from my family, who was there to support me all throughout the program; my friends, who were my outlet during those times I had difficulty with the tasks given; my teacher in the Philippines to whom I knew about the exchange program and who motivated me first to join the program. The one who stood as my mother in school to whom I shared all the joys knowing that I was accepted to join the program. Thus, she educated me with the beauty and benefits of joining such program to which my aspiration was strengthened. Finally, I owe everything above, who gave me all the strength and wisdom to partake in this kind of program and who blessed me with such opportunity and privilege.  

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